Anti Aliasing in GTK+1.2

I had the idea to implement antialiasing in GTK+ 1.2 since I was impatient to get a nice desktop without using KDE. After some hacks, I released this patch designed to make antialiasing in GTK a reality.

Note: This patch worked fine for me, but it is not very clean, and is provided here for educational purpose only. If you search a clean anti-aliasing patch, I'll suggest you to use gdkxft or GTK+ 2.*.
Note 2: The patch is seriously outdated and useless now. It will probably fail to work with modern configurations.


Comment Before After
The classic 'Hello World' program


Main patch here (you will need XFree86 4.0.2 with FreeType2)

The patch for antialiasing Mozilla 0.9 fonts

Daniel T. Chen ported the patch to GTK+ 1.2.10. Download here. (Note: this patch may not be as up-to-date as the one for gtk+ 1.2.9)

WARNING: After applying the patch, you may have to recompile Mozilla and/or Nautilus (if you use them), since these tools manipulates internal Gdk structures messed up with the apply of the patch. If one of your programs segfaults after applying it, first try to recompile it.

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alex14fr at yahoo dot fr

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